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Post-Workout - What to Supplement After Training?

The market offers a variety of preparations aimed at supporting physical activity. Some of them are taken before training, others during it, and others after intense physical activity. The regeneration of the body plays an extremely important role in the training cycle, without which it is unable to continue intensive work. After intensive training, multi-ingredient products known as post-workout play an important role.

The importance of regenerating the body after training

Intensive and long-lasting training causes significant changes in the human body. Muscle tissue is usually broken down and a large loss of muscle glycogen is achieved, causing muscle damage and pain that makes it difficult to perform basic activities, so rest after training is of utmost importance in achieving the desired results in terms of athletic performance or building muscle mass.

What are post-workouts?

Post-workout intended for use after intensive training are specially developed sets of ingredients whose task is to restore the body to a state of balance. They should be used by people actively practising sports, conducting intensive training. Thanks to taking post-workouts, the regeneration processes of the body run much faster and in a safe way.

A person undertaking intensive training can thus avoid unpleasant soreness, protect their muscles and regenerate the body while preparing it to continue intense physical activity. Taking them shortens the intervals between workouts.

The importance of post-workout supplementation is evidenced by the opinions of specialists who emphasize the fact of building muscle mass, not during training, but just after it, when the body undergoes the regeneration process. Then the muscle fibres damaged during training rebuild, and the body should be supported after the loss of nutrients such as carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

What kind of substances and nutrients does the body need immediately after intense training?

After intensive training, an extremely important issue is the type of supplements taken, which should be carefully selected depending on the body's needs, training intensity, training advancement level, diet, age, and lifestyle. The body's support in the regeneration process depends on the selection of the right products.

Immediately after exercise, you should replace the substances that were flushed out by the body during training. These are mainly proteins or carbohydrates, a deficiency of which can cause muscle damage and pain. In addition, it is necessary to hydrate the body, as the muscles need the right amount of water.

After training, you should refill:

  • Glycogen provides the muscles with energy during training, therefore, muscle glycogen is used up during intense exercise. Its supplementation provides energy to the muscles that need to repair damaged proteins. Glycogen also affects muscle hydration, which is important for muscle regeneration. Carbohydrates as a source of glycogen should be consumed immediately after training.
  • Proteins that promote muscle regeneration and growth. During intense exercise, muscle protein is broken down, so it must be replenished. In addition, protein supplements will provide the body with the necessary amino acids to repair and rebuild muscle proteins.
  • Creatine plays a key role in rejuvenating the ATP-PC system. In addition, it increases muscle regeneration and the water content of muscle cells, which is beneficial in the production of growth hormone, which stimulates protein production.
  • L - glutamine, which is an amino acid that helps repair damaged muscle tissue. It reduces muscle pain and accelerates their regeneration, as well as strengthens the immune system, which is important for the regeneration of the body after intense physical exertion.
  • Beta-alanine prevents the formation of lactic acid, which reduces pain and fatigue. Due to the rapid consumption of beta-alanine during training, it should be supplemented.
  • BCAA is a composition of three amino acids that reduce post-workout fatigue and muscle pain.


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